Bodybuilding Gym Workout Music Mix - Training Songs

Below you will find all SoundCloud, iTunes, Podomatic, Podbean, Mixcloud, ecc links. In blue i suggest where you can download it simply. There are 6 formats:

  1. Aesthetic Bodybuilding e Female Fitness: general motivation music
  2. Hardstyle Music Mix 
  3. German Hip Hop
  4. Motivation Songs in Italian (see bottom of the page - guarda in fondo pagina)
  5. Swissthetics Motivation Musik Mix (see bottom of the page)
  6. Motivation Songs in German


Attention: i uploaded the mix with different profile on SoundCloud

To find all mix on iTunes simply search Bornersthetics (PS: Hardstyle and HipHop Mix are not on iTunes)

Hardstyle Music Mix on iTunes? Click the banner, go to Subscribe on iTunes logo (bottom right).

Workout Mix 1 - 6

Hardstyle and Hip Hop Edition

Ticinosthetics Music: tutti i link e le canzoni a fondo pagina

Motivation Speech


German Workout Music Mix 

Um es herunterzuladen benutze Podomatic

Italian Workout Music Mix 

Il mio consiglio: scaricate le canzoni usando Podomatic